Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Go time.

"I always thought I'm not strong enough. But when I look at those obstacles behind me, I am sure I can overcome what's coming."
I found this quote on post secret today. It made me think, we all go through tough times, some tougher than others. We all go through moments of heavy decisions, some just a little heavier than others. In all, no matter what bull shit life has thrown at my face, I can look behind me and be confidant that I have and will continue to pick myself up, look god herself in the eye and say "Bring it on. I WILL make it to my goals. Just watch me."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I feel like the only time I ever blog is to update the world on my rainbow hopping, bubble blowing happiness or on my lethargic gut retching despair. OK maybe I am being dramatic but seriously Jesus Tit Fucking Christ!!! My life is so up and down there is never a happy medium, at this point I would settle for unhappy medium. Now I am being "schmoopy". Damn it. No more schmoopy Jenn.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


So, My little brother is back in town for my Dad's 50th. He is currently residing on my couch due to the complete lack of space that my home entails. As much as I love my family being together for this, I am painfully reminded every time he comes home that I am most definitely not the favorite child. Under normal circumstances this is an OK gig for me, I am the rebel, the black sheep, the heathen. I am the only member of my family that does not subscribe to "Christians-R-US" or whatever those people read. (the Bible maybe?) Anyways, I am also the only democrat in a family of rush limbaugh loving, deer head hanging, G.W. humping, gun toting republicans. wheee. It is a typical joke in my family to refer to their oldest child as "the hippy" or "our token democrat". (This is a reference to me by the way.)
My brother on the other hand, is in the Navy, the best shot in his command, drives a gas guzzling Jeep, goes to church on the weekend, doesn't smoke or drink and married a girl before moving in with her. The worst bit about the whole damn thing is that I love my brother. I wish I could hate him for being so goddamn perfect but I can't. He is a sweet, caring and beautiful person. Shit.
Tomorrow is the day, maybe things will be better.
I miss Sam.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So yesterday was my day off wheeee! I went down to Sedona with friends and had a blast! (not the Sonic kind) The drive is one of the prettiest drives I have ever been on and I have driven through quite a bit of country. The weather was perfect, the music was joy to my ears and the company second to none. We arrived at the little spot the frat boys and sorosti-tots haven't discovered yet and began the hike. By hike, I mean a crude form of scrambling, shimmying down a canyon over boulders and avoiding cactus. It was brilliant. Granted I was cursing Carolina the whole way down because she said the hike was easy. She has to lie to me to get me outdoors on my days off work because my idea of a good day off work includes me, beer, the computer and Journey playing all day. Carolina is right though, when I go hiking I am a happier Jenn, just a mite more pain ridden than I would have been otherwise. We finally made it to the bottom of the canyon and gravitate towards Oak Creek like moths to a bug zapper. Stripping down to the bikini and shorts I typically don when sploshing and splashing about we climbed in. The water was great, it was still a bit cold but hell it's running down from my mountain's snowy peaks, yeah it may be a bit frosty. After sunning for a bit and feeling super confident in my scarred and thoroughly unique beautiful self I went down the creek. The fun way. It's like a roller coaster that can drown you and who doesn't love that? Yesterday was the most relaxing to the point of mush day I have had in such a long time. Everyone needs that. If anyone else wants to go next time let me know and we will make a day of it. I'll bring the beer!

Monday, May 11, 2009

come home!

So Sam and I are in our new place thanks to the help of our AMAZING friends. You guys rock. I have been moving every summer for the past 3 years you would think that I would have it down by this point. Nope. It's exciting running around your room trying to find all of your things. I slept naked last night because my jimmy jams are hiding, perhaps they have run away with my shampoo and loofah.... bitches. My biceps are so sore from working, packing, moving and cleaning yesterday they are getting tired typing. I think I will go down to Sedona today with Piper and veg out by the creek with a book. hmm I wonder where I put my bathing suit?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bro Hate

Everyone loves a good hangover. Last night was one of my only good female friends 21st birthday so we took her out downtown. It was a brilliantly great time, a plethora of laughter and debauchery. Mayhem ensued when Sam and I became intoxicated ourselves, which is relatively rare. We live at 7,000 feet so we train our miserable livers like an Olympiad. We are poor fucks so going out for a night on the town is almost unheard of for us, especially to become inebriated to the point of babbling.The birthday girl was as perfectly composed as one can attain when there are 7 men surrounding the buxom blond with drinks in the off chance she will forget her standards and run away with them. She was the hot piece of ass last night. Can a girl want more for her 21st? ;) Luckily, no damage was done and through careful drunken manipulation she was veered home with no major indiscretion.
I have always surrounded myself with male friends, mostly because estrogen pisses me off 80% of the time, only the rarest of women do I truly feel like I can relate to. It was most entertaining last night however, to observe the typical 20 something human Male's hunting for a bed mate. I avoid the bars to seer clear of aforesaid males but something clicked in my mind last night and I almost wet myself laughing at the passes that were being made at my friend. Somewhere in these poor boys minds something told them, "It's OK Gary, use the cheesiest lines you can think of.. it will work." Yes, you telling a self respecting female that you want to put it in her pooper really does work.. eeerrmm no. Sorry Gary, your guardian angel is just as much of a frat bro as you are and has effectively cock blocked you. Go back to your house and play Halo. Don't come back until you have grown a brain.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hmmm says I

So, my day was relaxing(ish) for lack of a better and more original word. I began my day in my typical joyous manner a.k.a laboriously crawled my way to Starbucks and mumbled for my iced quad grande soy latte. NOW! Went to lunch with my father and had very mature and honest conversation. Which with my liberal views and the penchant for crass humor and his very strict conservative religious beliefs it is a difficult feat to accomplish. We had fun joking about the ridiculous parents in the restaurant who were letting their spawn run about like demented deamons, which, by the way, I am far from convinced they are not. We talked about ourselves, school, work and family, a real heart to heart. It's intersting to see pieces of your own personality in members of your family that you previously thought you were nothing like.
In other news, my new book came via amazon today so after sucking down copious amounts of espresso with as much gusto as can be imagined I sat down to read. Anyone who knows me and my reading habits knows this was a bad call on my part. When I read a book, I don't put it down again until it is finished or the house is on fire and has burned said book from my blackening fingers. So out I was, sitting under an aspen tree communing with nature while immersed in a truly enjoyable mystery novel and chain smoking. What was forgotten however was the sun glaring down upon my pale ass Irish shoulders and head. Needless to say by the time I finished said book (about an hour ago) I have begun to take the semblance of a lobster. Ouchie...Bad Jenn.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On a Nerdier Note..

I tried Dawn of War 2 yesterday and am already attached by the fingertips. If you haven't played it, you are missing out on a great time. The campaign mode is so much fun I have abandoned Sins of a Solar Empire and WoW for the time being to enjoy the caresses of my new lover. purrrr.

That Dirty Slut Called Mother Nature

I love summer time in Flagstaff. Trees are blooming full of flowers, leaves, pollen and baby birds. The sun has finally broken free of the dismal and perniciously clinging grey spring clouds. The air seems to be full of life in the early summer and anyone with eyes to see can appreciate the new leaf on the tulip that grows on the walk to work or the new nest of sparrows in the blooming tree outside the window. I internally congratulate nature for renewing life so quickly, if my day was half as full of photosynthesis, growing new shoots of grass or building the new nest I would be a millionaire by now.
The other beautiful thing about summer is the simple fact that clothes are completely optional. How many times have you seen a girl sitting outside in naught but her bikini top and "camel toe" accentuating booty shorts? Multitudes I say! Who complains about a little skin they tell me? Men like to see it and women like to show it off, where is the necessity for commentary you ask? Ah my beautiful readers, I will satisfy your morbid curiosity. I like camel toe as much as the next girl, and I have been known to crave rays known to the state of California to cause cancer, but really women should take care what they put on their bodies especially in this trying time of warmth. I know it's tempting to wriggle into that tight fitting tank top that makes you look neck less due your nipples attempting to violently attack your eyes in addition to your miniskirt so short I can see the herpes on your clitoris, but I ask this as a well meaning member of the same sex, please don't. It scares the children.